Caffeine: The Secret Ingredient Boosting Bee Focus and Learning

Most humans swear their daily caffeine boost gets them through the day and allows them to function properly.  Caffeine not only stimulates our central nervous system, heart, and muscles, it also improves our focus, and according to some, it increases our productivity. Researchers have now discovered that bees also benefit from a caffeine boost. Most…


Bees prefer Sodium-Enhanced Nectar

Sodium in Nectar Boosts Pollinator Visits Bees prefer Sodium-Enhanced Nectar, just like many humans. A groundbreaking study by researchers in the United States shows that adding sodium to floral nectar significantly increases both the frequency and diversity of pollinator visits. The study, published in Biology Letters, highlights how introducing sodium to the nectar of various…

How You Can Help to Boost Bee Populations in Spring

If you ever asked yourself how you can help to boost bee populations in spring, read on: For many people having a perfectly manicured lawn is like owning an expensive carpet. Each blade of grass is meticulously groomed to create a luxurious and clean-looking outdoor space. But is having the perfect lawn really an ambition…

All About Buzz Pollination

What is Buzz Pollination? Buzz pollination is a unique process that some bees use to extract pollen from certain flowers. About 6% of flowering plant species have flowers with anthers that open through tiny pores or slits. To extract pollen from these specialized flowers, some bee species like bumble bees, have evolved a vibration technique…

Beeswax Wraps: The Eco-Friendly Alternative to Plastic Wraps

Beeswax wraps are the eco-friendly alternative to plastic wraps and food storage containers! Made from cotton fabric coated with beeswax, they are sustainable, reusable, washable, and biodegradable. They come in different sizes and shapes and you can use them to wrap bread, cheese, vegetables, fruits, or to cover bowls or jars. These wraps are a…

Bees can Help Investigators Find Deceased Bodies of Missing People

Bees can help Investigators find deceased bodies of missing people a new study reveals. Scientists at the George Mason University in Northern Virginia, US, made a ground-breaking discovery. The institution is the newest of the country´s few body farms. A body farm is a research facility where scientists study the decomposition of humans and animals…

All About Wax Moths

Spotting an Affected Hive: All About Wax Moths Wax moths (Galleria Mellonella) are a worldwide common pest that can wreak havoc on beehives. Active during the spring and summer months, these small, grayish-brown moths lay their eggs in beehives. Their larvae can quickly destroy the comb and honey stores. Beekeepers must be vigilant in monitoring…

Urban Beekeeping

What is Urban Beekeeping? Urban Beekeeping is an increasingly popular hobby that connects people to nature. It is the practice of keeping honeybees in urban and suburban areas instead of in rural areas, where it is traditionally done. Urban beekeeping is becoming increasingly popular due to the many benefits of honeybees, such as pollinating plants…