Caffeine: The Secret Ingredient Boosting Bee Focus and Learning

Most humans swear their daily caffeine boost gets them through the day and allows them to function properly.  Caffeine not only stimulates our central nervous system, heart, and muscles, it also improves our focus, and according to some, it increases our productivity. Researchers have now discovered that bees also benefit from a caffeine boost. Most…

How You Can Help to Boost Bee Populations in Spring

If you ever asked yourself how you can help to boost bee populations in spring, read on: For many people having a perfectly manicured lawn is like owning an expensive carpet. Each blade of grass is meticulously groomed to create a luxurious and clean-looking outdoor space. But is having the perfect lawn really an ambition…

Long-Horned Bees

  Eucera longicornis, or long-horned bees, are a unique species of solitary bee. They belong to the same family (Apidae) as honey bees, bumblebees, carpenter bees, and others with the two major genera Eucera and Melissodes. Geographical Distribution Long-horned bees were once found in vast populations throughout North America and even Southern Britain. However, the numbers of…

Bumble Bee Nesting Habits

Bumble bees nesting habits are essential to the environment, as without them there would be a decline in the pollination of plants and flowers. Without these pollinating insects, biodiversity would suffer significantly, leading to major ecosystem disruptions. Therefore it is important to protect bumble bees and their habitats in order to preserve both natural ecosystems…

Bumble Bees

Bumble bees (or bumblebees) are some of the most recognizable and beloved of all bee species. With their cute, distinctive fluffy yellow to orange and black fur markings, they often appear in cartoons and movies. Bumblebees are famous for their peculiar, ‘bumbling’ flight patterns, and their characteristic buzzing sound where the Latin name Bombus (literally…


Bumble Bees play Ball and score Goals

Did you know that bumble bees play ball? A new study at the Queen Mary University in London, UK showed that bumble bees don´t just work, – they also enjoy recreation time playing ball! The unprecedented discovery revealed that bumble bees may play to experience what humans call ´positive feelings´. The researchers placed 45 bumble…