
The Role of Pheromones

Have you ever wondered how a queen bee manages to organize her colony? The answer is queen pheromones, the most advanced form of communication in social insects. Pheromones are chemical substances bees secrete from their exocrine glands. When released into the environment they change the behavior and physiology of fellow bees. They play a crucial…



Most people have probably never heard of Apilarnil. The name Apilarnil comes from “api” meaning “bee”, “lar” for “larva”, and “nil” an abbreviated form from its discoverer, Nicholas Iliesiu. It looks similar to royal jelly, and has a milky, yellowish gray color and a bitter taste. It is made exclusively from drone larvae. Many beekeepers…



Honey is one of the oldest sweeteners in the world. It is made by Honeybees (Apis Mellifera) collecting nectar from flowers and processing it in their honeycombs. The name ¨mellifera¨ is Latin for “honey-bearing”, and Apis is Latin for “bee”. There are different varieties with many flavors and many uses, both culinary and medicinal, and…